Menopause Workplace Pledge at Glyn Hopkin

Glyn Hopkin have signed our support for the Menopause Workplace Pledge. 

The key objective of the initiative is to encourage women going through the menopause to know that they can – and should – be fully supported in the workplace.

​To give you some context around the significance of the campaign, women over 50 are the fastest growing demographic in the workplace, but around 900,000 women have quit their jobs due to the menopause, while a further 25 per cent have considered it.

Why? Without support in the workplace, symptoms such as anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, memory loss, hot flushes, and bleeding can cause a loss of confidence, decreased productivity, and less job satisfaction – all of which can contribute to the decision to hand in their notice.

Glyn Hopkin join the already long list of over 400 companies pledging their support for this campaign.

More information and resources about the Menopause Workplace Pledge can be found here